Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This morning I had my Gender and Development lecture. It was really interesting. So far we've only learned about the different feminist theories, but I think the class is going to be a little like the Contemporary Sexuality class I took at State, which focused a lot on gender, and a bit like the Developmental Play Processes course I took, where we learned about the developmental differences in children, among other things.

After that I found the mail room and got a letter from my mom. It made me cry instantly. After getting my mail I came home and cleaned my room. It is very tidy and a pleasant place to be. I don't know what prompted me to do so (intuition?) but I decided to look in my day book. That's when I realized I had a meeting scheduled with my adviser in 10 minutes! I had totally forgotten about it, so I rushed down there, wasn't late, and had a very nice (and brief) chat with her. She is very lovely, and it is nice to know that there is an adult out here who genuinely cares about my well being. She said, "well, it sounds like you don't need any help with anything!" And she's right. I am feeling on top of things. I still have to register with the medical center and get a meningitis vaccination, which I might to later on today. At 6 I have a tennis match, and at 7:30 there is a social event/meet and greet for the Women's Football Club at the pub on campus. So after tennis I'll get all pretty and head on down.

I fully had the intention of getting a job while I am here, I even updated my "CV" (resume). But now I'm thinking that it might be nice to have the extra time to exercise, socialize, and do homework, not that there will be all that much extra time. I think I can live here quite cheaply. We'll see. If I start feeling pressed for funds, I might look into it a bit more. But as of now, I want school and soccer to be my priorities.

I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep last night. My room is directly above the entrance to our flat and flat 2, and everyone stood outside socializing till after 1 last night. I didn't want to be the jerk who calls and complains, or even the person who yells from out the window. But I do need my sleep. It's "Fresher's week" so all of the first year students go out and are up late every night this week. Also, we were supposed to get our flat cleaned today, but if the surfaces aren't cleaned in the kitchen, they won't get wiped down and we get written up. The boys have some trouble cleaning up after themselves. They leave out wrappers, empty beer cans, cereal boxes, drink glasses with rings around the after the cleaning lady came and left and didn't clean our kitchen, I cleared the surfaces and wiped up. I think I'll have to have a little chat with them...

The weather changed today. There's more of a cold breeze and it's overcast.

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