Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Flowers

The day before I left for Ireland it finally felt like spring. These flowers are from my neighborhood. It now feels like it's going to snow again. But I'll be on a beach in Italy a week from today, hopefully soaking up the Mediterranean sun.

Trying to channel the warmth from these photos.

Fancy house near mine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh good, a new post! So are you in Italy yet? Soon? Thanks for the bday wishes, it's always good to hear from you. I think about you a lot, I still can't believe what an amazing year you're having..!! haha and I watched Bend it Like Beckham over the weekend which is how I imagined your UEA "football" team being. :) Hope you enjoy Italia, Mwa! Yoo're a uhSpicy Meatbahl! (tehee)
