Friday, January 15, 2010

White Elephant Cash-In

At our white elephant holiday party I walked away with a meal voucher courtesy of Alfie, the naked chef. I stole if off of Rachel, who went back to Berkeley in December, and I was terrified that someone else would steal it off of me, but they didn't.

We agreed on Italian. The boys spent all day shopping and preparing the feast.

Tortellini rolling lessons.

Two of my favorite people. Katie was my guest and Nick was sou chef.

First course of organic sourdough bread from Alfie's family's bakery, goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, olives, salami, and prawns. Oh, and California rosé.

Homemade six mushroom tortellini. Delizioso!

I failed to photograph the final course of vanilla ice cream with raspberry sauce because it just looked too good. It was.

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